BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
1.0correct the naming of logs.htmlMatt Rude13 years
cgiMerge branch 'master' into cgiMatt Rude13 years
gh-pagesWebsite UpdateMatt Rude11 years
masterUpdate README.mdMatt Rude12 years
name-of-new-branchWebstie UpdateMatt Rude12 years
revampRevert "s/h1/h2/g"Matt Rude13 years
sqliteignore rrd/ntpstatus.sqliteMatt Rude13 years
TagDownloadAuthorAge  Matt Rude13 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2011-06-25correct the naming of logs.html1.01.0Matt Rude1-0/+0
2011-06-22Revert "Revert "Adding a quick dojo csv export page""Matt Rude2-0/+127
2011-06-22Add git repo to readme fileMatt Rude1-0/+2
2011-06-22remove readme.html file from gitMatt Rude1-0/+1
2011-06-22Add breadcrumb to docs indexMatt Rude1-0/+1
2011-06-22s/h1/h2/gMatt Rude1-6/+6
2011-06-22optipng the png imagesMatt Rude9-0/+0
2011-06-22Merge branch 'master' into revampMatt Rude12-3/+284
2011-06-22Add Apache config to the readme.Matt Rude1-3/+12
2011-06-22Stratum 1 NTP, Garmin GPS 18 LVC on FreeBSD 8.0 setup.Matt Rude11-0/+272
[email protected]