# time.mattrude.com # This is my timeservers web site's source repository. This repository doesn't contain the code for NTP, but instead the code to run the actual website. ## About ## This site uses rrdtools to build and display usage graphs. rrdtools is required to be installed on the host server before the graphs may be created. There is also a decent amount of back end setup that needs to happen before the graphs may be displayed, please see the README in the scripts directory for those instructions. ## Installing ## The install proccess for this project at this time is a bit cumbersome. Currently it assumes all files are stored in `/var/www/time.mattrude.com`. This will change in the future, but for now, it will be just easiest to create that director on your system. To install, first you need to add a cron entry for the RRD graphs. */5 * * * * /var/www/time.mattrude.com/scripts/do-xntp > /dev/null 2&>1 After adding the cron job, you may add your NTP Servers. To add your NTP servers, start by going into the scripts directory. Once in the scripts directory, run the `do-newntpstat` followed by the name of the computer, similar to below. ./do-newntpstat time.example.com ### Rebuilding CSS ### To Rebuild the css file, first download and install the [YUI Compressor](https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor), then run: java -jar yuicompressor.jar style.dev.css > style.css