path: root/archives/FreeBSD_NTP_GPS_Experiment_#4.html
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authorMatt Rude <[email protected]>2011-05-21 22:31:34 -0500
committerMatt Rude <[email protected]>2011-05-21 22:31:34 -0500
commit2b4e098c3dc537b48475fbcde9483bd88bd1ffd0 (patch)
tree5f6c77f24ae7b09528e3e1741f6735fc3983769e /archives/FreeBSD_NTP_GPS_Experiment_#4.html
parent9dadd9eb53928e5b16b89f6bbba96973997142e5 (diff)
delete bad names
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-<TITLE>FreeBSD NTP Garmin GPS-16 HVS experiment</TITLE></HEAD>
-<H1>FreeBSD NTP GPS Experiment #4</H1>
-Using a Garmin GPS-16 HVS unit as a NTP time source<BR>
-This page monitors an experimental
-<A HREF="http://www.ntp.org">NTP time server</A> using a
-<A HREF="http://www.garmin.com">
-Garmin</A> GPS-16 HVS receiver as a clock.
-<LI><A HREF="http://jcnsystems.dyndns.org/~nordlie/time">Statistics generated every 15 minutes</A></LI>
-The server is a
-<A HREF="http://us.shuttle.com/home.aspx">Shuttle</A>
-computer system, with a 2 GHz Celeron CPU and 256M of RAM,
-<A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org">FreeBSD</A> 6.2.
-This server sits behind a NAT router, attached to
-a broadband cable modem in my basement. The GPS-16 HVS is connected to
-com port 1 of the server via a home-brew serial connector, which also
-supplies regulated 12VDC power to the GPS. The connector is a modified
-serial terminal adapter, with a DB-9F connector on one side and an RJ-45F
-connector on the other, with a DC power input jack added to power the GPS.
-Power is supplied by a Radio Shack 12 VDC 500 mA 'wall-wart' power
-I obtained the GPS-16 HVS unit from <A HREF="http://www.navtechgps.com/">
-www.navtechgps.com</A>, under the "Combination GPS/Antenna" section. The
-GPS-16 HVS provides the necessary 1 Pulse Per Second (PPS) line needed for
-highly accurate timing, as well as accepting a wide range of DC voltages for
-power input. While
-this units works well, recently other NTP timekeepers have had good luck
-with the much-cheaper Garmin GPS-18 LVC (be sure to use the LVC version,
-which includes a 1 PPS line). I wired the connector according to the
-chart in the <A HREF="http://www.navtechgps.com/pdf/16_17HVS_manual.pdf">
-GPS-16 manual</A>, page 7. I also connected the grey 1 PPS line to pin
-1 on the DB9 connector (Data Carrier Detect), so that the NTP PPS driver can read it. Even
-though the PPS line is only TTL (0-5 VDC), most modern RS-232 ports
-can still sense it without any additional electrical conditioning.
-After the hardware was built, I tested it and configured the GPS-16 HVS
-unit using the SNSRCFG program available at the Garmin website:
-<A HREF="http://www.garmin.com/oem">www.garmin.com/oem</A>. Click
-on the GPS unit, then choose "Downloads & Updates" on the menu at
-left. Running the program on a windows desktop, I verified that the
-unit was receiving satellite transmissions in the location I had
-placed it (a window). I left most everything in the configuration
-in the default mode, except: I turned off all NMEA sentences except
-GPRMC (which is what the NTP driver looks for), and enabled the
-PPS line.
-The software configuration was fairly simple. To run the NTP daemon
-at system startup, I added 'xntpd_enable="YES"' to the /etc/rc.conf
-file on the FreeBSD system. The NTP daemon drivers need to know
-where to find the data and signals for using the GPS. The NMEA
-and PPS drivers look for devices with names /dev/gpsx and /dev/ppsx
-respectively, where x is the unit number. In this case I created
-symbolic links in the /dev directory as such:
-gps0 -> cuad0
-pps0 -> cuad0
-These refer to the first serial communications port (COM 1), where
-the GPS unit was connected. Since I didn't want to lose the links
-any time 'make' was run in the /dev directory, such as a system
-update, I added:<BR>
-# link GPS receiver for NTP use
-link cuad0 gps0
-link cuad0 pps0
-to /etc/devfs.conf.
-Now the NTP configuration itself. In this case I used the generic
-GPS NMEA driver for the serial stream, and the PPS driver to
-discipline the clock (increase the accuracy of the GPS NMEA sentence).
-To tell NTP which clock is to be disciplined, the 'prefer' tag is
-added to the NMEA driver line. I also added an entry to poll an NTP
-server on my ISPs network, and finally enabled the local system clock
-to act as a backup in case everything else went down. Here's the
-/etc/ntp.conf file in its entirety:
-# Local clock, in case network link goes down
-fudge stratum 10
-# NMEA GPS driver
-server prefer
-# Pulse Per Second (PPS) driver fine-tunes
-# the data provided by the NMEA GPS
-# Network NTP server for comparison, but tell NTP never to use
-# it for a timesource
-server tock.midco.net noselect
-# Where to keep track of the local clock drift
-driftfile /etc/ntp.drift
-# Tell ntpd to keep statistics
-statsdir /var/log/ntp/
-filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable
-filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
-filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
-statistics clockstats peerstats loopstats
-# Send log output to a seperate file for NTP
-logfile /var/log/ntp/messages
-So far the results of the system have been very good. Here is a
-typical time reading:
-> ntpq -p
- remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
- LOCAL(0) LOCAL(0) 10 l 52 64 377 0.000 0.000 0.002
-+GPS_NMEA(0) .GPS. 0 l 15 64 377 0.000 -0.018 0.004
-oPPS(0) .PPS. 0 l 6 64 377 0.000 -0.018 0.004
-xtock.midco.net .GPS. 1 u 19 64 377 16.811 1.340 0.072
-The offset wanders around a bit but the jitter, indicating the clock
-stability, is always very low. This setup performs much better than
-the <A HREF="../ntp-gps2">eTrex</A> GPS, due to the availability of
-the 1 PPS signal. The GPS-16 HVS has locked up once during the
-experiment (running about 1 month as of April, 2007), requiring
-cycling the power to reset the receiver. Also the GPS does lose
-lock occasionally, and the time and PPS jump when lock is re-established.
-Why build a GPS time server in the first place? After all, there are
-<A HREF="http://www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/">publicly available
-time servers</A> that administrators can use to synchronize their
-system clocks. The reasons are many, but the primary one in this
-case is that the broadband network this system is connected to is
-so congested that trying to sync to public time servers was almost
-impossible. <I>Note: as of April 2007, this has gotten much better,
-due to a network upgrade performed by midconet.</I>
-The ntpd daemon was getting so far off that it was
-causing clock resets by more than half a second, and sometimes multiple
-seconds, rather than slowly slewing the clock as is normally done.
-Other systems on my home LAN that sync to this server were also having
-problems because of all this bouncing around of the current time
-reading. Some sort of stabilizing influence was needed other than
-depending on external network time servers.
-One easy but less accurate way around this would be to run an NTP
-server with the localclock driver as the source. Since this
-runs off the systems quartz frequency standard, the time will
-drift with temperature and sometimes voltage, but will still be
-much more stable than NTP trying to synch to multiple servers
-on a clogged network connection. Such a system should itself
-be synched either manually or perhaps through a crontab by
-running ntpdate against a public NTP server. This sacrifices
-accuracy for stability, and is probably sufficient for many
-applications. Those <A HREF="http://www.leapsecond.com/time-nuts.htm">
-time-nuts</A> among us looking for ever greater accuracy can
-never leave well enough alone, however. :)
-Other possible time sources are various radio clocks, shortwave radio
-receivers feeding WWV/WWVH signals into a sound card, WWVB radio
-clocks, LORAN-C radio clocks, CDMA (cellular phone) clocks,
-precision frequency sources fed into
-the PPS driver, etc. The
-<A HREF="http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/html/refclock.html">
-Reference Clock Driver</A>
-page has many more options, and makes for some fascinating reading.
-<B>Update: April 16, 2007</B><BR>
-The system has been running fairly well. When the GPS receiver loses
-signal lock, ntpd switches to the next highest stratum server, which
-is the external server used for comparison. Since this server runs
-at an offset from the GPS, this causes some instability in the test
-server. To help reduce this, I added the 'noselect' option to the
-external server line, which instructs ntpd to never use that
-server as a timesource. Ntpd should now switch to the 'local' clock
-when GPS is unavailable, which should be fine for short periods. Since
-the local clock is frequency-adjusted by ntpd based on other clocks
-such as the GPS, it should act as a hold-over clock while the GPS
-receiver reaquires signal lock.
-Note: this configuration is aimed at this GPS/NTP experiment. One would
-not normally configure an NTP server synchronizing a network this way.
-Having ntpd fall back to other external servers is the normal mode
-of operation, sacraficing a small measure of stability for overall
-reliability and accuracy.
-<B>Update: December 26, 2007</B><BR>
-A further study the frequency of GPS loss-of-lock events: The system
-queries the GPS receiver about every 64 seconds, or 1340 times per
-day. If the receiver is unlocked the GPRMC sentence includes a 'V'
-character, if the receiver has a positive lock an 'A' appears in the
-sentence. A script was constructed to report the number of unlocked
-sentences per day contained in the daily 'clockstats' log files. The
-results for the period from March 14, 2007 through December 26, 2007
-appears <A HREF="images/gps_lock_drops.jpg">here</A>. The graph seems
-to indicate a yearly trend in the average number of daily lost-lock
-events. This may be due to satellite constellation configuration,
-attenuation of radio signals by atmospheric moisture, changes in
-receiver sensitivity or noise floor due to temperature, or
-some combination of these effects. Again, the receiver is located
-on the sill of a south-facing window, indoors, with a good view of the
-southern sky through the glass.<BR><BR>
-<A HREF="http://www.wraith.sf.ca.us/ntp/">NTP server using PC gnu/linux and FreeBSD</A><BR>
-<A HREF="http://www.david-taylor.myby.co.uk/ntp/FreeBSD-GPS-PPS.htm">
-Adding a FreeBSD NTP server based on an GPS 18 LVC</A><BR>
-<A HREF="http://www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/service/gpscal.htm">
-Using a GPS receiver as a NIST traceable frequency standard</A><BR>
-<A HREF="http://www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/service/gpstrace.htm">
-NIST GPS data archive</A><BR>
-<A HREF="http://www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/">NIST Time and Frequency
-<A HREF="http://www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/ion/">NIST Ion Storage