# Site settings title: OpenPGP Keyserver email: matt@mattrude.com description: "A SKS OpenPGP Keyserver" url: "https://keyserver.mattrude.com" name: "keyserver.mattrude.com" baseurl: "" destination: "/var/www/keyserver.mattrude.com" owner_name: "Matt Rude" owner_email: "matt@mattrude.com" owner_xmpp: "matt@mattrude.com" owner_pgpkey: "0x94c32ac158aea35c" owner_omemo: "a4b88aca f63e1f05 6f8fd700 7847baf3 3f653098 64d478a7 d7387c88 fd8fb834" owner_github: "mattrude" owner_twitter: "mdrude" owner_facebook: "mattrude" owner_instagram: "mattdrude" owner_website: "https://mattrude.com" # Analytics settings google_analytics_id: UA-9532791-9 # Build settings markdown: kramdown permalink: /changelog/:year-:month-:day-:title/ highlighter: rouge date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM exclude: - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - README.md - CONTRIBUTING.md - LICENSE - css/syntax.less - css/site.less - css/small.less plugins_dir: ./_plugins plugins: #- jekyll-minifier - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-redirect-from - jekyll-last-modified-at jekyll-press: exclude: 'robots.txt, contact.txt, contact-ecc.txt' # Exclude files from processing - file name, glob pattern or array of file names and glob patterns js_options: {} # js minifier options css_options: {} # css minifier options html_options: {} # html minifier options