stories.gitMy Collection of Stories3 hours
kodi.tvKodi is an award-winning open source home media center. - hours
buildrootBuildroot: Making Embedded Linux easy - hours
gitDistributed version control system - hours
LibreELEC.tvJust enough OS for KODI - hours
ntpsecThe Network Time Protocol suite, refactored - https://ntpsec.org3 days
busyboxBusyBox: The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux - days
bind-home.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.12 days
dhcp-home.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.3 weeks
cgit-config.gitThe config for this site - https://code.mattrude.com10 months
skin.cabintv.gitThe CabinTV skin for Kodi.tv11 months
cgitA hyperfast web frontend for git repositories written in C. - https://git.zx2c4....16 months
openbricksEmbedded Linux Framework - years
prosody-config.gitThe configuration directory for my Prosody service.4 years
xmpp-site-lite.gitA (mostly) single page XMPP server Jekyll site, see: https://im.soderparr.com4 years
therudes_com.gitThe Jekyll source repository for the Rude Family website - https://therudes.com4 years
build-wkd-website.gitMy OpenPGP Web Key Directory Server Site - https://openpgpkey.mattrude.com4 years
gnupg-directory-service.gitThe working configuration for my GnuPG Web Key Directory Server.4 years
pgpkeyserver.gitThe website for my OpenPGP Key server - keys.mattrude.com4 years
webserver-bin-scripts.gitThe bin scripts and config files to run my webservers.4 years
contact-txt.gitThe scripts and files to build and sign years
wkd-site.gitMy OpenPGP Web Key Directory Server Site5 years
bind-slave-config.gitThis stories the config files for my slave DNS servers.5 years
sks-config.gitMy config for my OpenPGP Key server. - keys.mattrude.com5 years
contact-txt_old.gitThe OLD scripts and files to build and sign years
openpgp-wkd.gitAuthoritative OpenPGP Public Key Distribution; This site is here to explain the ...5 years
wp-theme-exploits.gitMy Exploits WordPress Theme - A child theme of the Twenty Nineteen Theme by the ...5 years
ejabberd-config.gitMy collection of configuration and bash scripts for running an eJabberd server.5 years
postfix-config.gitMy Postfix Mail Server Configuration.5 years
bin-scripts.gitThis repository stores a wide assortment of scripts.5 years
secure-contact-form.gitA PHP based secure PGP encrypted contact form.5 years
bind-config.gitThe configuration directory for my Bind DNS service. This repository should be ...5 years
xmpp-site.gitThe source code for my XMPP sites.6 years
xmpp-site-builder.gitThe builder scripts for the xmpp-site.git repo6 years
prosody-scripts.gitThe script directory for my Prosody service.6 years
unifi-frontpage.gitThe root frontpage of my UniFi Network Controller.7 years Time Server's Website Source Page12 years